Quality Management with focus on Efficiency optimization

In our previous article we introduced the Project Performance Platform (PPP). This time we take a closer look at some of its features. The interactive tool is great for monitoring projects, processes and people, ensuring yield optimization at all times.

Information Anytime and Anywhere

The PPP perfectly fits our current working world with its need for quick actions, instant information and flexible ways of working. This interactive tool offers an endless list of possibilities. GPS enables people to consult the integral communication system at anytime and anywhere. All you need is a mobile device.

Monitoring and Quality Management

Its unique set-up makes the PPP a great tool for project management. It accurately informs and instructs every party involved in a project. Sharing documents in a secure environment means you can closely monitor people’s performance. You can ask for a confirmation upon receipt for example, or see the amount of time it takes to read a document. A digital exam can test the understanding of its contents. Features like these ensure a certain level of process quality.

Immediate Insight

In order to live up to certain standards, it is necessary to show great results. The PPP makes it easy to publish and share accurate data. It offers immediate insight in a project’s overall status and people’s individual development. Analysing such real-time information makes it easier to decide which people could be a perfect match for future projects. The PPP provides the facts to back up your decisions.

Monitoring and focus on Efficiency optimization

The PPP allows you to be in control at all times. The accurate data encourages quick decision making, even when things do not go according to plan. Should such a situation occur, you can take immediate action. By making the necessary adjustments at an early stage, you can prevent the project from spiralling out of control. By closely monitoring a project and its people, PPP will reduce any possible damage to a minimum.

Interested to hear more about the PPP and its possibilities for your organisation? Do not hesitate to get in touch with Henri Korsten via hko@mrjames.com, for more information.

April 25, 2016 - Author: Henri Korsten